Press Release - The Gulf Cooperation Council and the Association of Caribbean States Establish Ties

The Gulf Cooperation Council and Association of Caribbean States met at the Ministerial level on 18 September, 2023 in New York to establish a partnership between the two regional entities. The GCC delegation was led by HE Sayyid Bader bin Hamad Al Busaidi, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Sultanate of Oman and Chair of the GCC Ministerial Council with the participation of Their Highnesses and Excellencies GCC Foreign Ministers and HE Mr. Jassem Mohammed Albudaiwi, GCC Secretary-General. The ACS delegation was led by HE Albert Ramdin, Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Business and International Cooperation of Suriname and Chairman of the ACS ministerial council, with the participation of Their Excellencies ACS Foreign Ministers and HE Mr Rodolofo Sabonge, ACS Secretary General.

The Ministers congratulated the ACS on its 29th anniversary and stressed the importance of promoting a robust interregional GCC-ACS partnership in all areas of mutual interest, including political dialogue and cooperation in areas such as trade, blue economy, investment and sustainable tourism.

The Ministers reaffirmed the importance of multilateral efforts to achieve global peace, security, stability, and prosperity. They stressed the need to adhere to the principles of international law, including the UN Charter, and the importance of promoting good neighborliness and preserving the international system based on respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity, and political independence of states; non-interference in their internal affairs; resolving disputes through dialogue and refraining from the use of force or threats. They also emphasize the importance of addressing the dangers of terrorism and extremism as they pose serious threats to global peace and security.

The Ministers noted the outcomes of the GCC-ACS meetings held on 24-25 June, 2023, in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, and welcomed the signing today of a GCC-ACS Memorandum of Understanding to establish the parameters of their partnership.

The Ministers endorsed the GCC-ACS Joint Action Plan (2023-2027), setting key objectives and mechanisms for political dialogue, trade facilitation, investment promotion and tourism cooperation. The Ministers underscored the importance of GCC-ACS cooperation in international fora and organizations to coordinate their efforts in dealing with the challenges facing the global economy.

The Ministers commended the GCC and ACS for the important roles they play in addressing climate change challenges, noting the special vulnerability developing countries, including the GCC and Caribbean regions, in this regard. They congratulated the UAE for hosting COP28 and expressed support for COP28 Presidency’s agenda to fast-track a just and orderly transition, fix climate finance, focus on lives and livelihoods, and underpin everything with full inclusivity.

As developing nations, the GCC and Caribbean Ministers stressed the importance of the United Nations Climate Change Conference and the Paris Convention, especially as regards to upholding the principles of common but differentiated responsibilities, while taking into consideration the different national circumstances and priorities.

The Ministers expressed their readiness to enhance cooperation in the field of environmental protection, taking into account the importance of climate change, protecting water resources, and maintaining environment safety; especially in the blue economy, preserving the marine environment, promoting sustainable development, and preserving the environment of the Caribbean Sea and Arabian Gulf.

In the economic field, the Ministers underlined the importance role of the GCC-ACS Joint Action Plan in enhancing trade and investment flows between the two regions, by providing a framework for dialogue between officials from both sides and engagement with the business community and regional and international organizations, on investment needs and business opportunities by means of Public Private Partnerships to address, inter alia, transport and logistics, in accordance with mechanisms set forth in the Joint Action Plan endorsed today.

The Ministers noted the growing influence of GCC and ACS regions in the global economy and acknowledged the potential for their partnership to contribute this trend.

The Ministers welcomed the convening of the International Horticultural Exposition in the State of Qatar between October 2, 2023 and March 28, 2024, to encourage creative solutions to sustainability, environmental awareness and desertification.

The Ministers welcomed the GCC and ACS proposal to hold the first GCC-ACS summit of heads of state and government in Saudi Arabia in the near future, to strengthen the partnership and open new horizons of cooperation between the two sisterly organizations.


Issued in the city of New York, the United States of America, on Monday, September 18, 2023. 

A propos de l'AEC

L'Association des Etats de la Caraïbe est une organisation de consultation, de coopération et d'action concertée dans le commerce, le transport, le tourisme durable et les catastrophes naturelles dans la Grande Caraïbe et est composé de 25 pays membres et 7 pays membres associés. Les Etats Membres sont Antigua-et-Barbuda, les Bahamas, la Barbade, Belize, Colombie, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominique, République dominicaine, El Salvador, Grenade, Guatemala, Guyana, Haïti, Honduras, Mexique, Jamaïque, Nicaragua, Panama, Saint-Kitts-Et-Nevis, Sainte-Lucie, Saint-Vincent-et-les Grenadines, Suriname, Trinité-et-Tobago et le Venezuela. Ses membres associés sont Aruba, Curaçao, (France au titre de la Guyane française, Saint-Barthélemy et Saint-Martin), Guadeloupe, (Les Pays-Bas au nom de Bonaire, Saba et Saint-Eustache), Martinique, Sint Maarten, Îles Turques et Caïques.