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Document IDsort icon Title Publication date Categories
10/99 Admission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland as an Observer to the Association of Caribbean States December 1999
11/00 Election of the Members of the Executive Board of the Ministerial Council December 2000
11/03 Composition of the Executive Boards of the Special Committees and the Executive Board of the Council of National Representatives of the Special Fund November 2003
11/97 The Kingdom of Morocco as Observer November 1997
11/99 Mechanism for appointing the Members of the Executive Board of the Ministerial Council December 1999
12/00 Election or Re-election of the Members of the Executive Boards of the Special Committees December 2000
12/03 Date and Venue of the Tenth Ordinary Meeting of the Ministerial Council of the ACS November 2003
12/97 The Recognition and Admission of Social Actors November 1997
12/99 Adoption of the Terms of reference for the Meetings of the Executive Board of the Ministerial Council December 1999
13/00 Terms of reference for Meetings of the Executive Board of the Ministerial Council December 2000
13/03 Date and Venue of the Fourth Summit of Heads of State and/or Government of the ACS November 2003
13/97 Procedures for the Establishemnt of Co-operation Agreements November 1997
13/99 Election of the Executive Board of the Ministerial Council December 1999
14/00 Establishment of a new Organic Structure for the Executive Board of the Special Committee on Sustainable Tourism December 2000
14/97 Evaluation and Prospects of the Development of Cooperation November 1997
14/99 Agreement on the Composition of the Executive Boards of the Special Committees and the Council of National Representatives of the Special Fund December 1999
15/97 Election of the Executive Board of the Council of Ministers November 1997
15/99 Protocol on Privileges and Immunities of the Association of Caribbean States December 1999
16 Intersessional Report and Annexes February 2014 ACS, ACS Political Documents, Secretariat General, Secretary General Documents