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Document IDsort icon Title Publication date Categories
Agreement between Member States and Associate Members of the Association of Caribbean States for Regional Cooperation on Natural Disasters April 1999
23rd Ordinary Meeting of the Ministerial Council of the ACS April 2018
Documents for the 24th Ordinary Meeting of the Ministerial Council May 2019 Secretariat General
Documents from the 29th Special Committee for Disaster Risk Reduction August 2021 ACS Membership, Disaster Risk Reduction
Feria Agroalimentaria 2015 April 2015 all Members and Associate Members
Documents for the 26th Meeting of the Special Committee on Disaster Risk Reduction May 2018 Disaster Risk Reduction
Registration Form September 2013 all Members and Associate Members, Disaster Risk Reduction
Documents from the 36th Meeting of the Special Committee on Trade Development and External Economic Relations September 2021 Trade
Study on Port and Maritime Strategies for the Greater Caribbean - Final Report May 2015 Transport
Documents for the 45th Meeting of the Executive Board of the ACS Ministerial Council (Board only) May 2018
Remarks by the ACS Secretary General, Dr. Rubén Silié Valdez, to the 4th Summit of Heads of State and/or Government July 2005
35th Meeting of the Special Committee on Cooperation and Resource Mobilisation (virtual meeting) September 2021 Secretary General Documents
Caribbean Festivals – May 2014 May 2014
Documents for the 29th Meeting of the Special Committee on Sustainable Tourism May 2018
Remarks by the ACS Secretary General, Dr. Rubén Silié Valdez, to the 4th Extraordinary Meeting of the Ministerial Council July 2005
Quotes for Book Launch - The Caribbean on The Edge April 2022 Secretariat General, Secretary General Documents
Caribbean Festivals – June 2014 June 2014
Documents for the 27th Meeting of the Special Committee on Transport May 2018 Transport
II Meeting of the Working Group on Customs Faciliatation List of Documents September 2013 Priority Areas, Trade
Documents for The Preparatory Meeting for the 25th Ordinary Meeting of the ACS Ministerial Council March 2020 ACS Membership