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Document ID Title Publication datesort icon Categories
07/03 Admission of Ukraine as an Observer to the Association of Caribbean States November 2003
09/03 Agreement which recognises the Caribbean Conservation Association (CCA) as a Social Partner in the Association of Caribbean States November 2003
11/03 Composition of the Executive Boards of the Special Committees and the Executive Board of the Council of National Representatives of the Special Fund November 2003
13/03 Date and Venue of the Fourth Summit of Heads of State and/or Government of the ACS November 2003
06/04 Composition of the Executive Boards of the Special Committees and the Board of Directors of the Council of National Representatives of the Special Fund December 2004
02/04 Budget of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS) December 2004
04/04 Appointment of three High Level Officials of the Secretariat of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS) December 2004
05/04 Election of the Executive Board of the Ministerial Council December 2004
07/04 Date and Venue of the tenth Ordinary Meeting of the Ministerial Council of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS) December 2004
01/04 Agreement approving the Reports of the Chairman of the Ministerial Council, the Secretary General , the Chairmen of the Special Committees and the Council of National Representatives of the Special Fund, and the 2004-2005 Work Programme of the Associat December 2004
03/04 Agreement for the development of the Virtual Market of the Greater Caribbean December 2004
DECLARATION OF PANAMA Declaration of Panama July 2005
Declaration of Panama July 2005
Speech delivered by His Excellency Mr. Samuel Lewis Navarro, First Vice President of the Republic of Panama and Minister of Foreign Affairs to the 4th Extraordinary Meeting of the Ministerial Council July 2005
Remarks by the ACS Secretary General, Dr. Rubén Silié Valdez, to the 4th Summit of Heads of State and/or Government July 2005
Remarks by the ACS Secretary General, Dr. Rubén Silié Valdez, to the 4th Extraordinary Meeting of the Ministerial Council July 2005
Agreement 1/06 Agreement 1/06 March 2006
Agreement 4/06 Election of the Executive Board of the Ministerial Council March 2006
Agreement 6/06 Creation of the Follow-Up Commission for the Caribbean Sea Initiative March 2006