Library Organisations

Document ID Titlesort icon Publication date Categories
C 162/2012/AP Convening Note September 2012 ACS, Priority Areas, Trade
ACS/2012/TRADE.XXVII C.133/2012/AP July 2012 ACS, ACS Membership, ACS Membership, Priority Areas, Trade
ACS/TRADE/XXVII/CN C 114 2012 AP eng June 2012 ACS, ACS Membership, Trade
ACS/2011/TRADE.XXVII/INF.003 Approved Work Programme of the SCT 2011-2013 table June 2012 ACS, ACS Membership, ACS Membership, Priority Areas, Trade
ACS/2016/PREP/CM.XXI Agreements January 2016 ACS, ACS Legal Documents, ACS Political Documents, Secretary General Documents
Agreement 4/14 Agreement on the Composition of the Executive Boards of the Special Committees and the Executive Board of the Council of National Representatives of the Special Fund February 2014 ACS, ACS Legal Documents, ACS Political Documents, all Members and Associate Members
Agreement 1/14 Agreement Approving the Reports of the Chairman of the Ministerial Council, the Secretary General, and the Chairmen of the Special Committees of the ACS February 2014 ACS, ACS Legal Documents, all Members and Associate Members
ACS/2012/TRADE.XXVII/WP/PA Agenda XXVII Meeting eng June 2012 ACS, Priority Areas, Trade
ACS/SELA/REGAR Agenda Training Seminar May 2012 International & Regional Organizations, Trade
Agreement 15/12 Admission of the Republic of Serbia as an Observer to the Association of Caribbean States April 2012 ACS, ACS Legal Documents, ACS Membership
Agreement 3/07 Admission of the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) as an Observer to the Association of Caribbean States (ACS) May 2012 ACS Legal Documents, International & Regional Organizations
CRM/2024/COOP-CATALOGUE ACS Regional South-South Cooperation Catalogue - 2024 May 2024 ACS, ACS Membership, Caribbean Sea Commission, Disaster Risk Reduction, General Collection, International Cooperation / Relations, Magazines, Secretariat General, Sustainable Tourism, Trade, Transport
ACS/2017/CC/Magazine ACS Inaugural Cooperation Conference Documents March 2017 ACS, ACS Legal Documents, ACS Membership, all Members and Associate Members, General Collection, Magazines, Secretariat General
ACS/2013/Comm/News ACS in the News November 2013 ACS, ACS Membership, ACS Political Documents, Secretariat General
7th Summit Report and Annexes July 2016 ACS, ACS Political Documents
7th Summit 8th ExOrdMM Report and Annexes July 2016 ACS, ACS Political Documents
7th Summit - Prep Mtg Report and Annexes July 2016 ACS, ACS Political Documents
ACS/2014/CM.XIX 19th Ordinary Meeting of the ACS Ministerial Council and its Preparatory Meetings - Document January 2014 ACS, ACS Political Documents, all Members and Associate Members, Secretariat General